Thursday, April 5, 2007

Nick & Robert encounter.....

OMG !! I cant believe that i saw Nick & Kubica LIVE with my own eyes ! I'm not joking... I knew they were having a f1 demo nearby but I could'nt believe I could see them soooo near ! I was just inches away from Robert Kubica and Nick just walked past by me ! Hah !! Had my picture taken with them and autograph... Dream on.... I was so in shocked that I didn't know what to do... No camera, no pen, no paper... nada.... what do you expect me to do in such shock? I was in the hotel lobby and i just stared at Kubica till my phone rang... Luckily he didnt see me or he'll think I'm such a psyco... Later, I was so totally ready for him with my pen & papers that i waited almost 5 hours is the hotel lobby ! No sign of them... And the next morning, i woke up at 7 just to catch them but still no sight of them... Then, i gave up because the f1 demo is starting at 2pm. It's already 1pm and no way they are still in the hotel... I decided to visit the nearest shopping mall since i had no transport to the demo venue...and when i came back, i saw many BMW's... and i was "lucky" enough to see the team's VIP arriving back to the hotel... and still no sight of nick & robert... then, went i was walking back to my own room, i saw nick heifield coming out from the lift and me walking TOWARDS the lift.... i didnt relize it was him because he was wearing a cap and he had grown some mustage... when the info was send from my cornea to the brain, it was to late.... I was already in the lift going up... by the time the lift reach back down to the lobby, he was gone....
I took a quick dinner and quickly waited again in the lobby.... alomost bout 2 hours later, i was damn tired... couldn't keep my eyes open... then, suddenly out of no where, nick walked back to the hotel.. maybe he didnt walked.... He ZOOOOOMED towards the lift... it was quite far from the place i was sitting to the front door and lift cuz i didnt want to disturb the other customers... Sadly he was gone again......... ='( ... does this remind you of a race?....
and since then, i didnt see them anymore except in the news....

Moral of the story, be prepared and don't panic !! Since then, i now carry a marker pen and a coloured paper every where i go....
P/S : Based on a true story....


Anonymous said...

Lol! Never knew u were so desperate to get their photo and autograph.

Anonymous said...

People should read this.